Find a Trip
- Adventure Outpost Tours (35)
- ancient Indian trail (5)
- Archaeology (43)
- Bald eagle nesting (17)
- Bartram (11)
- Birding (42)
- Bison (1)
- black bears (5)
- blackwater river (7)
- Blue Springs (6)
- Boat sales (2)
- Canaveral National Seashore (1)
- canoeing on Newnans Lake (2)
- Civil War History (8)
- Civil War site (3)
- Coastal hammock (9)
- Cross Creek (1)
- De Soto exploration (14)
- dolphins (11)
- Fall foliage (1)
- floating islands (3)
- Florida history (45)
- fresh water marsh (20)
- Guided Tours (42)
- Hernando de Soto (11)
- Hiking (6)
- Hydric hammock (2)
- Indian mounds (19)
- Interesting plants (47)
- island hopping (6)
- Karst topography (6)
- kayaking in springs (14)
- kayaking on Newnans Lake (2)
- lake (1)
- Manatee encounters (8)
- Manatee Tours (6)
- manatees (11)
- marine life (9)
- Maritime forest (8)
- Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings (5)
- Mesic forest (11)
- monkey (3)
- National Park (11)
- National Wildlife Refuge (1)
- North Florida (40)
- old ferry crossing (5)
- open water (5)
- paddling Newnans Lake (2)
- Plant lore (47)
- Rentals (46)
- River (37)
- river ford (4)
- river otters (29)
- Salt marshes (9)
- Seminole War history (23)
- Seminoles (3)
- Shell midden (10)
- Shuttle available (27)
- Slogging (1)
- Spanish Cattle Ranch (1)
- Spanish Mission history (8)
- Spanish Mission site (3)
- spring (7)
- Spring hopping (8)
- spring run (11)
- Springs (20)
- State Park (24)
- steamboat era history (8)
- Steamboat history (6)
- steamboat landing (7)
- sturgeon watching (1)
- swamp exploration (18)
- Timucua Indians (23)
- turtles (10)
- Uncategorized (4)
- Unguided trips (5)
- Wild Horses (1)
- Wildlife refuge (28)
- wildlife watching (41)
- William Bartram (11)
- X-stream adventure (2)
- Adventure Outpost
- Adventure Outpost tours
- Alapaha
- all day
- Allen Mill Pond
- Allen Spring
- Alligator Rise
- alligators
- Alligator Swallet
- Amelia Island
- American lotus
- amphiuma
- Anastasia
- Anastasia Island
- Anderson Landing
- anhinga
- anhinga rookery
- anhingas
- ante-bellum
- Apalachee
- Apalachee Indians
- apple snails
- archaeology
- Archaic Indians
- Archaic period culture
- arrow heads
- artesian spring
- artifacts
- Audubon
- baby alligators
- back crowned night herons
- bald cypress
- bald cypress trees
- bald eagle nests
- bald eagles
- barred owl
- barred owls
- Barrier islands
- Bartram
- Bartrams
- Bartrams Florida plantation
- Battle Lagoon
- Bay of Horses
- Bear Creek
- bears
- beaver
- beavers
- Bellamy Cave System
- Bellamy Road
- Big Buck Camp
- birding
- black-crowned night heron
- black-crowned night herons
- black and white warbler
- black and white warblers
- Black Creek
- Black Creek Ravines
- black gum
- Black gum tree
- black mangrove
- blackwater river
- bladderwort
- blockade runners
- blue crab festival
- blue crabs
- Blue Hole Spring
- Blue Run
- Blue Spring
- Blue Springs
- Blue Spring State Park
- botany
- British Period of Florida
- C.B.Moore
- Camps Canal
- Canaveral National Seashore
- canoeing Bear Creek
- Canoeing Black Creek
- canoeing Hontoon Island
- canoeing Ichetucknee
- canoeing ocklawaha
- canoeing Ocklawaha River
- canoeing on Ichetucknee
- canoeing with manatee
- canoeing with manatees
- Carnegie
- carniverous plants
- Castillo San Marcos
- cattail marsh
- Cedar Key National Wildlife Refuge
- cedar trees
- Chacala
- Channeled apple snails
- Charles Ferry
- Charles Spring
- Chassahowitzka National Wildlife Refuge
- Chief Lucas Menendaz
- Civil War
- Civil War site
- Clarence Moore
- Co. Tucker
- coastal habitat
- coastal hammock
- Coe Hadjo
- Coffee Spring
- Columbia Spring
- Columbus
- Columbus (town site)
- conquistadores
- coot
- cooters
- cormorant
- cormorant rookery
- cormorants
- Cove of the Withlacoochee
- Cowkeeper
- Crack Spring
- Cross Creek
- Cross Florida Barge Canal
- Crystal River
- Crystal River mounds
- Crystal River State Archaeological Site
- Crystal River stellae
- Crystal River temple mounds
- Cumberland Island National Seashore
- Cuscowilla
- dangerous shoals
- Daniel Newnan
- Darby Spring
- Davenport
- Davenport Landing
- Davenport Mound
- David Levy
- David Levy Yulee
- deadhead logging
- Dead River
- Deep Creek
- deer
- De Soto
- De Soto exploration
- De Soto Trail
- Devils Ear Spring
- Devils Eye Spring
- Dogwood Spring
- dolphins
- double crested cormorant
- Drew Mansion
- duck
- ducks
- dugout canoes
- Dunes
- Dungeness
- eagles
- easy/beginner
- easy for children
- edible plants
- edible plant tours
- egrets
- Eldora
- elimia snails
- Eureka
- exploring estuaries
- exploring lagoons
- exploring mangroves
- false dragonhead
- Fernandina Beach
- ferns
- fiddler crabs
- Fillyaw grave
- FL
- floating islands
- Florida's mission era
- Florida archaeology
- Florida buckeye
- Florida Defenders of the Environment
- Florida history
- Florida Indians
- Florida pirates
- Florida shipwrecks
- fossils
- Franciscan mission
- Franciscan missions
- Frank Chapman
- fresh water marsh
- freshwater springs
- fresh water turtles
- freshwater turtles
- frigate birds
- Ft. Jennings
- Ft. Mose
- Ft. San Marcos de Apalachee
- geology
- Georgia
- Georgia kayaking
- Georgia kayak tours
- Georgia seas islands
- Ghigua
- giant leather fern
- Gilchrist Blue Spring
- Ginnie Spring
- Ginnie Springs
- glass-bottom boats
- golden club
- Gores Landing
- great blue heron
- great blue herons
- grebe
- grebes
- Greyfield Inn
- Guana Dam
- Guana River
- guided paddle tour on Ichetucknee
- guided tour on Ichetucknee
- Gum Springs
- hackberry
- Hastings
- Hatchet Creek
- hawthorn trees
- Hernando Desoto
- Hernando de Soto
- heron
- heron rookery
- herons
- historic
- history tours
- honey bees
- Hontoon Island
- Hontoon Island SP
- Hontoon Island State Park
- Hontoon Mound
- Hontoon owl
- Hornsby Spring
- horseshoe crabs
- Hunter Spring
- Hunter Spring Park
- hyacinth drift
- Ichetucknee Spring
- Indian burial mound
- Indian mound
- Indian mounds
- indigo plantations
- Indina village
- interesting geology
- interesting marine life
- Interesting plants
- intermediate skill level
- Inverness
- island-hopping
- Island apple snails
- ivory billed woodpecker
- John Bartram
- John Muir
- Jonathan Dickinson
- Jug Spring
- July Springs
- Jumper
- Juniper Run
- karst togography
- kayaking
- kayaking Bear Creek
- kayaking Black Creek
- kayaking Crystal River
- kayaking Cumberland Island
- Kayaking Georgia sea islands
- kayaking Gum Slough
- kayaking Hontoon Island
- kayaking Ichetucknee
- kayaking in mangroves
- kayaking juniper run
- kayaking ocklawaha River
- kayaking on Chassahowitzka
- kayaking on Deep Creek
- kayaking on Ichetucknee
- kayaking Withlacoochee
- kayaking with manatee
- kayaking with manatees
- kayak rentals on Ichetucknee
- kayak tours at Hontoon Island
- kayak tours of Deep Creek
- kayak tours on Bear Creek
- kayak tours on Chassahowitzka
- Kayak tours on Gum Slough
- kayak tours on Homosassa
- kayak tours on Ichetucknee
- kayak tours on Withlacoochee
- kayak tour with manatee
- Kelly Park
- king birds
- King Payne
- Kings Bay
- Kings Landing
- King Spring
- Kirkpatrick Dam
- kite
- kites
- La Chua Ranch
- La Chua Trail
- Lafayette Blue Spring
- Lake Panasofkee
- Lars Andersen tours
- Lars Anderson tours
- Lily Spring
- limestone
- limpkin
- limpkins
- little blue herons
- Little Blue Spring
- Little Dove
- loons
- lots of nature
- Lower Suwannee National Wildlife Refuge
- Madison Blue Spring
- Manatee encounters
- manatees
- Manatee swim tours
- manatee tour
- Manatee Tours
- mangrove crabs
- mangroves
- mangrove snapper
- maritime forest
- Marjorie Carr
- Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings
- Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings Historic State Park
- Marsh Bend Park
- mastodons
- mayhaw
- Mayo
- mermaids
- Mesic forest
- Middleburg
- Missino San Martin
- Mission San Juan de Guacara
- Mission San Martin
- Mission Spring
- Missisippi kite
- Missisippi kites
- Mississippi Kite
- monarch butterflies
- monarch butterfly migration festival
- monkeys
- moonshine
- moorhens
- Naked Ed
- Naked Spring
- Narvaez
- Native people
- nesting birds
- nesting moorhens
- never-wet
- Newnans Battle
- Newnans Lake
- Newnans Lake dugout canoe
- New Smyrna
- Nicks Shoal
- night heron
- night herons
- North River
- Nyssa sylvatica
- Ocala
- Ocala limestone
- Ocali
- Ocali Indians
- Ocklawaha
- Ocklawaha River
- Oklavueha Band of Seminoles
- ornithologist William Brewster
- Orontium
- Osceola
- osprey
- ospreys
- otter
- Otter Camp
- otters
- Outlet River
- owl effigy
- owl totme pole
- paddle tour on Homosassa
- Paddle tours around Hontoon Island
- paddle tours on Bear Creek
- paddle tours on Chassahowitzka
- paddle tours on Crystal River
- paddle tours on Gum Slough
- paddling among mangroves
- paddling Crystal River
- paddling Deep Creek
- paddling Ichetucknee
- paddling in spring
- paddling in springs
- Paddling Jennings State Forest
- paddling juniper run
- paddling Ocklawaha
- paddling on Bear Creek
- paddling Withlacoochee
- paddling with manatee
- Paddling with manatees
- padling Ocklawaha Ribver
- Palm Point
- Panasofkee
- Panfilo de Narvaez
- Patsy Andersen
- Paynes Prairie
- Paynes Prairie Preserve State Park
- Paynes Prairie State Preserve
- pelicans
- Peninsula cooter
- phoebe
- phoebes
- phosphate boom town
- Physostegia
- pickerelweed
- pied-billed grebes
- pied billed grebe
- pileated woodpecker
- pileated woodpeckers
- pirates
- plantation era
- plant lore
- Plum Orchard
- Poe Spring
- Poe Springs
- Prairie Creek
- prothonotary warbler
- prothonotary warblers
- Rebecca Charles
- red bellied turtle
- red buckeye
- red mangrove
- red shoudered hawks
- red shouldered hawk
- red shouldered hawks
- remote
- reservoir
- Rhesus macaques
- river otter
- river otters
- River Rise
- rock outcrops
- Rodman Dam
- Rodman Reservoir
- Rollestown
- rope swings
- roseate spoonbills
- royal fern
- royal ferns
- Rubin Charles
- Rum Island spring
- Rum Island Springs
- salt marshes
- Salt Run
- sand dunes
- Santa Fe de Toloca
- Santa Fe River
- sawgrass
- scenic views
- scrub habitat
- Sea Camp
- sea oats
- sea squirts
- sea turtles
- secluded
- Second Seminole War
- Seloy
- Seminole Indians
- Seminoles
- Seminole War
- shell midden
- shell mound
- shipwrecks
- ship wrecks
- sliders
- sliding turtles
- slogging
- snake bird
- snakes
- snapping turtles
- snowy egret
- snowy egrets
- Spanish mission
- Spanish missions
- Spanish Mission Trail
- spatter dock
- spatterdock
- spear points
- spring
- spring hopping
- springs
- St. Augustine
- St. Augustine paddling
- St. Johns River
- St. Marks
- St. Marks NWR
- St. Marys
- St. Marys River
- State Park
- steamboat era
- Steamboating era
- Steamboat landing
- steamboat Madison
- Steamboats
- Steinhatchee Falls
- Steinhatchee River
- Stetson
- strenuous
- sturgeon
- sturgeon watching
- Sugar mill
- sunsets
- Suwannacoochee
- Suwannee cooter
- Suwannee Cooters
- Suwannee River
- Suwannee River Wilderness Trail
- swallow tailed kite
- swallow tailed kites
- swamp exploration
- swamp paddling
- swamp wxploration
- tarpon
- Tarzan movies
- The n\Crack
- The Yearling
- Three Sisters Springs
- Thursby House
- Timucua
- Timucua Indians
- Tolomato
- Tomoka River
- Town of Suwannee
- Treehouse Spring
- Tsala Apopka
- tube worms
- tupelo
- Turners Fish Camp
- Turpentine Creek
- turpentine industry
- turtles
- two-toed amphiuma
- vireos
- vultures
- warblers
- water hyacinths
- Weeki Wachee
- Wekiva River
- Wekiva Springs
- Wekiwa Spring
- white-tailed deer
- white ibis
- whooping cranes
- wild edible plants
- wild edible plant tours
- wild hogs
- wild horses
- wildlife
- wild oranges
- William Bartram
- William Camp
- Withlacoochee
- Withlacoochee River
- wodd storks
- wood duck
- wood ducks
- wood stork rookery
- x-stream exploration
- Yamassee
- Yamassee Indians
- yello-crowned night heron
- yellow-billed cuckoo
- yellow-billed cuckoos
- yellow-crowned night heron
- yellow crowned night herons
- yelow crowned night herons
- Yulee